The process of getting someone to court is actually not as simple as it might seem. When authorities arrest someone, for instance, they can’t just drop them off in court. There is a due process, and it requires time, personnel and resources put towards it.
It is a complex process that police and attorneys put a lot of work into. They gradually build and prepare a case. Having enough information to make an arrest is one thing. Gathering more to prove charges is very different and even tougher.
The same goes for the opposition in such an instance, however, they also have a hefty job ahead of them. It is far from easy, if one has been arrested, to beat the charges; proving they are in the clear beyond a reasonable doubt.
For all the reasons above it is so beneficial to hire a private investigator in any given case. Few can match their expertise in research and gathering of facts or evidence. It is very common for police and attorneys to hire a PI for trial preparation.

When do private investigators come into trial preparation?
The first point of a case where a private investigator may come in is at the early stages. That is to say when they collate materials for a hearing or trial. Above all, their primary goal is to put together a clear image of the facts pertinent to a given case or lawsuit.
Below is a list of tasks private investigators often undertake to begin preparation for a case:
- Gather raw evidence
- Conduct forensic investigations
- Analyze and/or collate evidence
- Locate witnesses
- Interview witnesses
- Background checks on witnesses
- Prepare reports
- Financial or asset investigations
- Surveillance
- Computer investigations
What is the goal of trial preparation?

Generally, the purpose of trial preparation is to put together a convincing and compelling narrative. That, of course, aligns with the facts. To clarify, trial prep. aims to provide the jury and judge clarity concerning the events of a given case.
Simultaneously, it is important for this story to be solid; one of the other major goals of trial preparation is to protect the story form counterarguments. In other words, the narrative of the events needs to be strong enough, so that the opposition can’t punch holes into it.
In short, this can be achieved much more effectively with private investigators on your team. So, if you find yourself in need of a licensed private investigator and their particular set of skills, please feel free to call us. Or simply click on this link to get in contact with one of our team members.