Employers who perform their own background checks on applicants often overlook key steps. Overlooking these could lead to hiring a person with a criminal record. In addition, they may not have the time or resources to conduct a thorough check. As a result, they may end up hiring someone who is not qualified for the position or who poses a danger to the workplace.
For these reasons, it is often advisable to hire a private investigator to perform a background check. A private investigator will have the time and resources to conduct a thorough check. In addition, a private investigator will know what information to look for and how to interpret it.
How do PIs conduct background checks?
Private investigators conduct background checks to verify information provided in job applications. A comprehensive background check may include verification of past employers and educational institutions attended, as well as a criminal record check.

Depending on the nature of the background check and the resources available, a variety of methods can be used to verify the information:
- Online searches
- Public record searches
- Contacting former employers and/or colleagues
Some employers also request that private investigators conduct more in-depth investigations. For instance, an investigation that entails digging into an applicant’s past financial history. At times they may even look into their medical records or past relationships.
Private investigators can also conduct interviews to get reliable information concerning a given applicant.
How do you know if you need to hire a private investigator?
Hiring a private investigator for a background check may be necessary for certain types of jobs or specific industries.

For example, private investigators are commonly hired when conducting pre-employment screening for certain government positions or sensitive financial positions.
Private investigators can also conduct background checks for people applying for security positions or those with access to confidential information.
In addition, private investigators can conduct more in-depth investigation than employers can do on their own. This is especially important if the employer needs to verify information that is difficult to access or interpret.
For instance, if an applicant has spent a significant amount of time overseas, a private investigator can help to get accurate information.
How do you prepare for your meeting with a private investigator?

Before you meet with a private investigator, you should prepare. Come with all the relevant information about the applicant. This includes their name, address, birthdate, and work history.
You should also provide any other information that might be relevant to the case, such as previous addresses, aliases, or previous criminal convictions.
In addition, it can be helpful to provide information about the job or position that the applicant is applying for. This is important as it can help the investigator to determine which areas to focus the search on.
If you find yourself in need of a licensed private investigator and their particular set of skills, please feel free to call us. Or simply click on this link to get in contact with one of our team members.